#5 Dropshipping | branded dropshipping | dropshipping products | dropshipping india | dropshipping websites | amazon dropshipping |is dropshipping worth it |shopify dropshipping | dropshipping definition


The process of dropshipping is where you list supplier products on your online store or selling platform without purchasing the stock upfront. With this supplier you have an agreement that when you a customer orders you will purchase the product from the supplier and the supplier agrees to deliver the product to the customer (also usually deal with any returns). Similar to affiliate but the user can stay on your website. You’re still selling products without the inventory requirements but you control the buying process.



NOTE:- Dropshipping in India is a great cost-effective way for new entrepreneurs to start an e-commerce business. ... India's ecommerce sales are growing at an annual rate of 51% making it the biggest opportunity for online retailers. And by 2020, it's expected that ecommerce sales will account for $120 billion revenue.

                                                DROPSHIPPING MODEL----->                                                                                             

This method of eCommerce, means you don’t have any storage or warehouse needs and your cash isn’t tied up in stock sitting around (which is typically a big cause of cashflow problems for retail businesses). Dropshipping works at a lower profit margin than buying stock upfront, 20-30% profit margin being normal, whereas with buying stock from a wholesaler a margin of 60-70% would be common (the margin is lower but the risk is much less).

                                         150+ Best Dropshipping Companies and Suppliers Free Directory

Starting a successful drop shopping business is all about selecting the right products at the right margin from reliable suppliers , focus on a specific niche or look for trends you can capitalize on to make a profit (i.e. Fidget spinners would be a good example of this). From here you’ll need to setup an online store and open accounts of the relevant selling platforms (i.e. Ebay).

In terms of marketing you can reach customers through the standard digital marketing (social media marketing, email marketing, paid search marketing…). If your using a platform like Ebay, for marketing make sure your listing stands out with professional photos, good descriptions and good reviews.

This book gives entire knowledge on dropshipping----


On a final note finding the right drop shipping supplier/s is critical, you need to make sure there reliable and that the delivery times are within reason, you don’t want customers cancelling orders before they arrive (many drop shippers are based in China, the lead time to produce and ship a product can mean it can take several months to reach a customer in some cases).

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