100 business ideas you can  start today

Discover the right business to start with our list of the best ideas you can quickly turn into profitable businesses with little to no money

MISTER ALMIGHTY  | Published MAY26,2021


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Starting a businss is tough, it’s a long hard slog, and statistically, you’re destined to fail. But getting a business off the ground is only a problem you’ll face if you can come up with a business idea, to begin with. I ran my own company for about two years, but it took us three weeks and a lot of ‘meetings’ at pubs to eventually come up with something we wanted to do.

Whether you want to make some money on the side, run something when the kids are at school or create the next Facebook, here’s a humongous list of business ideas broken up into four key areas:

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To make things a little easier to get going, for each entry I’ve covered the business idea/model, what you’ll need to start and where you should focus to market/grow your new business.